BJain Omeo Cystin Drops Online
This homeopathic medicine is useful in curing ovarian cyst and preventing further recurrence, alleviate cyst related symptoms like pain and discomfort in lower abdomen.
Key Ingredients
Each 5ml contains: Apis mellifica 3X (0.5ml), Arsenicum album 3X (0.5ml), Belladonna 3X (0.5ml), Calcarea carbonica 3X (0.5g), Conium maculatum 3X (0.5ml), Iodium 3X (0.5ml), Lilium ti grum 3X (0.5ml), Lac caninum 6C (0.5ml), Palladium 3X (0.5g), Hepar Sulphur calcareum 3X (0.25g), In aqua distillate.
Pelvic pain and fullness, Dysmenorrhea & Irregular periods, Dyspareunia, PCOS, Endometriosis.
Key Benefits
Helps In curing ovarian cyst, relieving pelvic pain, irregular periods and discomfort in pelvic region.
10‐15 drops should be taken, diluted in water up to 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.