BJain Omeo Headache Homeopathic Drops Online
Headache is a complaint very commonly encountered among the population globally. The stressful and competitive aura of todays society is one major cause of tension type headaches, which cuts off the efficiency and productivity of the young working class. Besides, it can oft en be a symptom of more serious health conditions like migraine, hypertension, sinusitis, neuralgias or psychological disorders. Persistent headaches should never be ignored and proper medical care and investigations should be followed to prevent critical conditions.
Omeo Headache Drops : Headache drops contain remedies which are individually best medicines for a variety of headache symptoms. These medicines not only relieve pain in different regions of the head but also soothe and relieve the tension. They also help in reducing the frequency of painful episodes of headache especially if taken
under the guidance of a qualified homoeopathic physician.
Omeo Headache: A Homoeopathic Speciality Product formulated to relieve persistent or recurrent episodes of headache.
Omeo Headache : For tension type, conjestive headaches and migraine with frequent episodes of pain and associated symptoms.
Cimicifuga racemosa 3X (10%v/v),Gelsemium sempervirens 3X (10%v/v), Iris versicolor 2X (10%v/v),Sanguinaria canadensis 3X (10%v/v),Spigelia marllandica 3X (10%v/v), Ecxipients q.s.,Alcohol content 43% v/v
Action & Indications of the Ingredients of Omeo Headache Drops (Literature reference) :
Cimicifuga racemosa : Shooting and throbbing pains in head aft er mental worry, over-study, or reflex of uterine disease. Intense aching of eyeball. Pain from eyes to top of head, with photophobia from artificial light.
Gelsemium sempervirens : Headache : preceded by blindness better by profuse urination ; beginning in the cervical spine; pains extend over the head, causing a bursting sensation in forehead and eyeballs.
Iris versicolor : Sick headache, worse rest; begins with a blur before eyes, aft er relaxing from a mental strain. Frontal headache, with nausea vomiting, urging to stool and profuse urine, with periodic visual disturbances, accompanying ophthalmic migraine.
Sanguinaria Canadensis : Periodical sick headache; with vomiting of bile; begins in morning, agg. during day, lasts till evening; from motion, stooping, noise, and light; only endurable when lying still, and better by sleep or aft er vomiting; esp. severe over right eye.
Spigelia marllandica : Main remedy in the headaches of very hysterical subjects subject to violent pain in the back of the head, vertigo, dimness of vision, dilated pupils to the peculiar hysterical spasms of the eye-lids and face with fatiguing palpitations of the heart.
Dosage : In acute episodes 10-15 drops should be taken every 2 hours diluted in water up to 6 ti mes a day.
For chronic cases same dosage to be taken twice a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Direction for Use : To be taken 10 minutes before or aft er meals, or as directed by the physician.
Caution: Consult your homoeopathic physician if symptoms persist or worsen.
Contraindications & Known Adverse Reactions : None
Shake well before use.
Storage : Protect from heat, moisture and direct sunlight.
Keep the medicine out of reach of children.
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