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Breathing or respiration largely depends upon integrity of mucosal as well as muscular structure of air passages. Any condition affecting these two structures results in production of phlegm, bronchodilation or bronchospasm and leads to dyspnoea i.e. difficulty in breathing. Breathlessness or dyspnoea refers to a transient or persistent condition of difficulty in breathing . Acute episodes of breathlessness can be a frightening and worrying situation for the patient as well as attendants. Chronic respiratory diseases better known as ?Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases? are a major cause of breathlessness such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. Usually the paroxysms of breathlessness get triggered on physical exertion beyond the cardio?pulmonary threshold. The degree of activity that triggers breathlessness marks the basis of grading of severity of the paroxysms, where grade 4 that is breathlessness at resting phase is the worst.
Arsenicum album 6x 10%v/v
Belladonna 4x 10%v/v
Bryonia alba 4x 10% v/v
Kali phosphoricum 4x 10% w/v
Natrum muriaticum 4x 10% w/v
Natrum sulphuricum 4x 10% w/v
Veratrum album 4x 10% v/v
Eriodictyon glutinosum
(Yerba santa) 4x 10% v/v
Excipients q.s.
Alcohol content 45% v/v
- Wheezing respiration.
- Shortness of breath on exertion or exposure to allergens.
- Chronic cough with exertional dyspnoea.
- Feeling of chest oppression with suffocation.
Action of ingredients:
Suffocative attacks in evening after lying down. Oppression of chest when ascending and when in cold air.
Short, rapid breathing with open mouth and violent working of chest. -Heavy breathing with oppression of chest.
Dyspnoea so that he could not speak. Oppressed breathing; in forenoon, so that the whole chest could not be expanded, with rapid breathing
Acute oedema of lungs, spasmodic cough with frothy, serous masses being brought up in excess and threatening suffocation.
Cough which makes quite breathless, day and night. Dyspnoea on ascending stairs.
Short breath when walking, gradually ameliorated by rest, later want of breath even when sitting. Asthma, cough at night, sits up and holds his chest, aggravation from cold, damp weather.
Respiration: Suffocative, Difficult. – Short on slightest motion, a kind of oppression of chest
Eriodictyon glutinosum (Yerba santa)
Catarrhal Asthma, with thickening of the bronchial tubes and oppression of breathing, >> by expectoration
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