BJain Omeo Alfa & Ginseng Tonic Syrup Online
Omeo Alfa Ginseng Syrup from BJain has the medicinal value of ingredients that are known for improving vitality and have been used as a health tonic for ages. It is a homeopathic specialty product for strength & stamina.
The specialty of BJain tonic is not just the ingredients but the quality of ingredients.
Extra Benefits:
Antioxidants properties
Natural, No side effect
- Weakness
- Emaciation & prostration
- Anaemia
- Debility after exhausting diseases
- Convalescence (recovery from illness & surgery)
- Mental exhaustion
- Nervous tremors
- Sleeplessness
- Loss of appetite
- Poor digestion
The action of Omeo Alfa & Ginseng:
- Tones up appetite & Digestion
- Helps Improve mental & physical strength.
- Increases muscular strength & resistance to fatigue.
- Favorable influence on the nutritive condition & blood, hence it is used in anemia, convalescence, neurasthenia & insomnia.
- Aids in the increase of the number of red blood corpuscles & amount of hemoglobin.
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