BJain Omeo Homeopathic Diabeteez Drops (30ML) Online
Diabetes The Leading Lifestyle Disorder
Diabetes mellitus is a health condition where body’s glucose metabolism gets disturbed resulting in hyperglycemia or increased levels of glucose in circulating blood. The normal range of blood glucose in fasting is from 70 to 99 mg/dl . Persons having fasting blood glucose in the range 100 -125 mg/dl are considered as pre-diabetic which implies that they are predisposed to diabetes but are not diabetic.
Based upon the etiological mechanism Diabetes can be classified into Type 1 and Type 2 where the former results from the auto-immune destruction of insulin producing b – cells in the pancreas causing near total insulin deficiency. While in the latter i.e. in type 2 diabetes , the body develops resistance to the action of insulin and is incapable to produce sufficient insulin to overcome this resistence. Certain other forms of diabetes are now identified carrying the features of both type1 and type2 diabetes.
There is another conditional variety which characteristically develops during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes.
Polydipsia, Polyuria, fatigue, unexplained weight gain, or weight loss, irritability, recurrent infections, slow healing of wounds, darkened skin in folds, tingling in extremities are symptomatic indications of diabetes.
Secondary pathophysiological changes appear in multiple organ systems due to the metabolic dysregulation associated with DM leading to cardiovascular disease, nephropathies, neuropathies resulting in nontraumatic lower extremity amputations and amaurosis.
Risk factors for diabetes are:
- Family history or genetic predisposition
- Obesity
- Dyslipidemia with HDL less than 40mg/dl
- History of hypertension
- History of gestational diabetes
- History of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Racial predisposition
- Sedentary lifestyle with high intake of dietary carbohydrates.
The understanding of this endocrinopathy has improved over the time resulting in advanced management techniques, but still the only steady management is regulation of weight and diet and positive thinking with natural therapies like Yoga, Ayurveda and Homoeopathy.
BJains Omeo Diabetes is a speciality product for effective management of Diabetes mellitus. It has medicines like Syzygium jambolanum, Helonias, Cephalandra indica which are pioneers in the homoeopathic treatment of diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which a person has a high blood sugar (glucose) level as a result of the body either not producing enough insulin, or because body cells do not properly respond to the insulin that is produced. The types of diabetes are: 1. Type 1 diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin. 2. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistence, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency. The classical symptoms of Diabetes mellitus are 1. Polyuria (frequent urination), 2. Polydipsia (increased thirst) 3. Polyphagia (increased hunger). Blood tests Levels for Diagnosis of Diabetes and Prediabetes.
Mg=milligram, dL=deciliter. For all three tests, within the prediabetic range, the higher the test result, the greater the risk of diabetes. OMEO DIABETES DROPS Composition: Crataegus oxyancantha 12.5%v/v Abroma Augusta 12.5 %v/v Acidumphosphoricum 12.5%v/v Syzygium jambolanum 12.5%v/v Cephalandra indica 12.5%v/v Gymnema sylvestre 12.5%v/v Helonias dioica 12.5%v/v Excipients q.s. Alcohol content 51%v/v Indication: As advised by the physician. Actions of ingredients: Abroma Augusta: It is excellent remedy where urine is loaded with sugar and high specific gravity. Acidum phosphoricum: Ravenous hunger, excessive thirst, Copious and frequent micturation. Syzygium jambolanum: No other remedy causes is so marked degree the diminution and disappearance of sugar in urine. Cephalandra indica: Dryness of mouth with great thirst for large quantity of water at a time. Sugar killer-excellent medicine. Gymnema sylvestre: Glycosuria with increased frequency of micturation. Helonias dioica: Urine-Albiminous, phosphatic profuse and clear, saccharine. Points to remember: Helonias is an important medicine, which are being studied by the various organizations for the effect of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome characterized by an increase in plasma blood glucose. India has become a diabetes capital of the world that every fifth diabetic in the world is an Indian. The aetiology of diabetes mellitus is multifactorial and includes genetic factors coupled with sedentary lifestyle. Person affected by diabetes mellitus presents with weight loss, polyuria (increased urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). In type 1 DM symptoms may develop rapidly (weeks or months), while in type 2 DM they usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or absent. Over time diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Management is to improve symptoms of hyperglycaemia and to minimize the risks of long-term complications through medications along with dietary/lifestyle modification. The age old saying- Prevention is better than cure? has a strong relevance in its context as educating masses about the disease plays a significant role not only in the prevention of diabetes itself but also in preventing its complications. Homoeopathy holds the most optimum therapeutic solution in diabetes mellitus. It helps diabetics through specific constitutional medicine prescription along with combination products which are effective in controlling the blood sugar levels. Omeo Diabetes Drops is a homoeopathic speciality product to balance the blood glucose levels. It is a combination homeopathic remedies which are most commonly indicated to manage the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Visit – Buy Homeopathic Drops Online |
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