BJain Omeo D-FVR Plus Medicated Syrup Online
Fever or pyrexia is one of the most common clinical presentations at any physician’s O.P.D. which is elevation of core body temperature beyond 38 C or 100.4 F.
Under ordinary circumstances Hypothalamus, the thermoregulatory center of the body maintains the temperature within a normal range irrespective of the variations in external environmental temperature. This range is 36.8 + 0.4C (98.2 + 0.7 F) which is lowest at around 6 a.m. and the highest at around 4-6 p.m.
During a microbial invasion, inflammatory condition, abnormal cellular multiplication, or immune-mediated tissue injuries, a series of chemical reactions result in the elevation of core body temperature by increasing the hypothalamic set point.
A range of tropical fevers is prevalent in India like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, scrub typhus, leptospirosis, typhoid, etc. with similar clinical presentations. Some regions are endemic for a particular type of fever such as eastern U.P. and Bihar breed a large number of encephalitis cases every year. In our country, a fever can range from a simple and self-limiting viral episode to a life-threatening Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or acute Encephalitis Syndrome. Hence utmost care should be taken while treating a febrile case by noting a thorough history and conducting a detailed clinical examination.
Certain points should be taken care of in all febrile cases:
- The surroundings of the patient should be hygienic.
- Isolation and bed rest stop the propagation of infection and relieve the associated pains and discomfort.
- Hydration levels should be maintained, by taking up ample liquids and a freshly prepared easily digestible diet.
- Regular temperature charting is suggested to understand the pattern of fever.
- In high-grade fevers febrifuges or tepid sponging can be used to bring down the fever.
- Any deviation in consciousness levels, seizures, neck stiffness, bleeding, and change in pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure call for an emergency in fevers.
- Panic should be avoided as it only leads to unnecessary confusion and complications.
Homeopathic medicines can be helpful if the above points are well taken care of and the right remedy is selected. However, selecting a simillimum can be challenging. For quick relief, one can use a highly effective combination like Omeo D-FvR plus syrup that has medicines like tinospora cordifolia, gelsemium, azadirachta indica (neem), ocimum sanctum (tulsi), carica papaya (papaya), etc. for effectively relieving the symptoms of dengue and other viral fevers.
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