BJain Omeo Homeopathic Anaemia Tablet Online
Anaemia, according to WHO is a reduction in either the red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity to a level where they fail to meet the body’s physiologic needs, which vary according to age, sex, altitude, smoking, and pregnancy status.
Anaemia causes improper oxygenation of the tissues resulting in pallor, easy fatigue, dyspnea, palpitation, headache, dizziness, anorexia, gastric disturbances, menstrual dysfunctions, etc.
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- Excipients: q.s.
- Low levels of Haemoglobin with symptoms of anaemia.
- Easy fatigue on least exertion.
- Frequent attacks of dizziness and blackouts.
- Constipation and weakened digestion.
- Menstrual disturbances.
- Pallor with air hunger.
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