Sinusitis is the inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses. Sinuses are four pairs of spaces in the face and head that are connected by narrow channels.
Although Sinuses are considered to be rudimentary organs, i.e., a person can live without them, they do have a few important functions.
The functions of the sinuses are:
- They help maintain the weight of the skull: Since they are basically air spaces in the face and skull, they help in maintaining the weight of the heavy skull on the neck.
- They improve voice: Modulation and tone are two aspects that sinuses help us maintain. This is also the reason why our voice sounds so different when the sinuses are clogged.
- They protect the nose: By producing a thin mucus that moisturizes the surroundings of the nose and helps drain the nose and prevent infections and dirt from accumulating.
The sinuses or paranasal sinuses are located at 4 different locations; these are:
- Frontal: These are the ones located above the eyes.
- Ethmoidal: These are located between the eyes
- Sphenoidal: These are behind the eyes and on being infected it presents as headache.
- Maxillary: These are the largest of the four and are located below the eyes. Being the largest, they are most commonly infected ones too.

Symptoms of Sinusitis or a Sinus Infection include:
- Pain in Sinuses and Surrounding Areas including pressure felt in the head, face, ears, jaw, cheeks and teeth.
- Nasal discharge or runny nose
- Stuffiness or congestion in the nose and in the face and head
- Pain in face and head
- Post nasal drip and cough caused by it
- Irritability due to a difficulty in breathing or from pain

Diagnosing Sinusitis:
Usually confirmed by symptoms itself, in chronic and debilitating cases diagnostic tools may also be used.
Earlier diagnosed by a Paranasal Sinus X-ray by Water’s View, it is now usually confirmed using a CT Scan. One of the reasons this x-ray is becoming less popular in use is because it does not show the status of the Sphenoid sinuses.
Management of Sinusitis:
Unless severe, surgical removal of the sinuses is usually not required. Management of Sinusitis and its prevention includes the following:
- Increase in intake of foods rich in Vitamin C to prevent inflammations and improve immunity.
- Regular sleep cycle to prevent the likelihood of infections.
- Avoiding known allergens such as dust, dander, etc, to prevent sinusitis.
- Steam has been known to help in some cases.
It is also important to understand that sinusitis can be a very debilitating and irritating condition when it presents chronically and may not resolve despite taking all precautions to prevent it. Here Homeopathy plays a vital role in reducing the intensity, severity and frequency of symptoms.
Some of the important and useful homoeopathic medicines for sinusitis along with their indications are as follows:
Helps in cases of sinusitis with hoarseness in the throat. Stuffed up nose especially at night, worse from being in a warm room. Conditions brought on by exposure to cold winds, or in dry and cold weather. Runny nose in the day time but stopped up at night. Stuffiness in the nose alternating between the nostrils, acrid discharge with stuffed up feeling. Headache which is worse from the sun. Respiratory troubles accompanied by gastric disturbances.
Coryza with pain at the root of the nose, loss of smell. Green discharge from the nose, yellow mucus. Stoppage of the nose in the evening. Smothering sensation on lying down. Complaints worse in a warm room and better in open air. Feels smothered in a closed place without windows. Lack of thirst along with complaints.
Sensitive nostrils, bleeding easily. Cold preceded by headache, paroxysms of sneezing. Sensation of suffocation, especially from clothing around the neck. Patient wants to rush to open window. Cough in dry suffocative fits. Complaints worse from or after sleeping or complaints that come on sleeping. Better by warm application.
Spasmodic sneezing with a runny nose. Frontal pains with redness of eyes and watering. Burning in eyes. Copious and watery nasal discharge. Complaints worse from cold food and cold drinks and better by warmth.
Bursting pains in the forehead and temples. Watery mucus and sneezing, nostrils feel peppery. Burning and rawness in the throat. Hoarseness with pain on talking. Cough ends in a sneeze, loss of voice. Difficult raising of mucus. Worse in open air and from rest.
Soreness of nostrils with ulceration. Sneezing from dry cold winds, runny nose. Catarrh smells like old cheese. Hoarseness and choking cough. Worse from dry and cold air, better from warmth and in dry weather.
Inflammation of the nostrils, feel obstructed. Fetid, purulent and bloody discharge. Pain in the nose, worse at night. Horrible odors from the nose and mouth. Difficulty in breathing especially at night. Worse in winters.
Complaints that come on in humid weather. Sinus troubles during the rainy season. Tearing pains in the face from cheek to ears, orbits and jaw. Middle ear feels obstructed. Worse at night and from cold in general. Better by moving around and from external warmth.
Excessive nasal discharge, rawness and smarting in the nostrils. Post nasal swelling, cough with a bloody expectoration. Worse in evening and at night, better during rest.
Snuffles with pressure and pain at the root of the nose. Fetid smell with thick ropy discharge. Tough plugs from the nose. Inflammation of frontal sinuses. Post nasal discharge, hawking of mucus. Unable to breathe through the nose. Obstruction of the nose with violent sneezing. Profuse and watery nasal discharge. Better from heat.
These are some of the effective homeopathic medicines. Please consult your physician before taking any remedy.
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Dr. Priyanka Motwani
Dr. Priyanka Motwani has completed her BHMS from the prestigious Nehru Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Delhi and holds a Post Graduate Program in Lean Six Sigma from Isenberg School of Management, The University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is currently the R&D Head at BJain Pharmaceuticals and has a zeal to learn more and more each day.