14 Feb Homoeopathy Diabetes Mellitus and its Homoeopathic Management August 19, 2023 By Dr. Priyanka Motwani Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram What is Diabetes Mellitus? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects t...Continue reading
31 Jan Homoeopathy Sinusitis and Some Helpful Homoeopathic Medicines for it August 19, 2023 By Dr. Priyanka Motwani Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Sinusitis is the inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses. Sinuses are four pairs of spaces in the face and head that a...Continue reading
17 Jan Homoeopathy What is Schizophrenia? Its Symptoms, Diagnosis and Helpful Homoeopathic Remedies January 17, 2022 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder that is chronic in nature and changes the way a person feels, thinks and perceives reali...Continue reading
04 Jan Homoeopathy Asherman’s Syndrome- What is it? Causes, Management and Helpful Homoeopathic Remedies. January 4, 2022 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Asherman’s Syndrome is an ailment of the uterus which may present symptomatically or may be diagnosed incidentally during an ult...Continue reading
27 Dec Homoeopathy Back Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment December 27, 2021 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Back pain is defined as the physical discomfort in any region of the spine or back and can range from mild to severe and disabli...Continue reading
14 Dec Homoeopathy Medicated Syrup for Cough Relief in Homoeopathy December 15, 2021 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Homoeopathy medicines are known to be safe and effective in providing permanent cure to one’s health and with the onset of the w...Continue reading
06 Dec Homoeopathy Acid Group of Remedies in Homoeopathy December 14, 2021 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram To understand the action of acid remedies in Homeopathy, let us first understand the basic principles of acids and their mode of...Continue reading
01 Dec Homoeopathy Popularity of Homoeopathy in India December 2, 2021 By Pharma Online Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Homoeopathy has been evolving rapidly- the growing number of homoeopathy medicines bought and the large number of homoeopathic o...Continue reading