BJain Acidum Aceticum Liquid Dilution Homeopathic Medicine Online
BJain Pharma provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Indications: It is a highly recommended remedy in cases of anemia with dropsy and great debility. It is indicated for pale lean people with wasting and nodular tendencies. Increased thirst except during fever. Hectic fever with night sweats and red warm spot on left cheek. Profuse cold sweat.
Mind: Irritable, concerns centered around business.
Head: Pain with distention in temples, due to over exertion and abuse of narcotics. Pain in head with pain across the root of tongue.
Face: Pale, waxy looking, emaciated, sunken eyes with dark rings around them, aching in face especially on left side, abnormal growth on lips.? ?
Stomach: Excessive salivation and thirst but cold drinks cause more distress, vomiting of food, burning pains, growths or ulcerations of stomach, excessive acid formation. Burning pains in stomach and chest followed by coldness of the skin and cold sweat on the forehead. Feeling in the stomach as if a lot of vinegar had been consumed.
Urinary: Diabetic complaints such as excessive urination with thirst and debility.
Female: Excessive bleeding after labor, nausea during pregnancy, mastitis, anemia in new mothers, difficulty in milk production after child birth.
Respiratory: Difficulty in breathing, cough on inhaling, croup, diphtheria.
Back: Pain in back relived by lying down on the abdomen only.
?It is also a helpful remedy in cases of food poisoning especially from meat.
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