BJain Absinthium Q Mother Tincture Homeopathic Online
Indications: Helpful in cases of epilepsy when nervous tremors precede the attack. Chorea, tremors and sleeplessness. Vertigo with a tendency to fall backwards. Spasmodic facial twitching. Bloating in abdomen and flatulent colic.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures refers to the concentrate of the raw material (plant, animal, or mineral) prepared by soaking it in alcohol and distilled water, followed by pressing and filtering. BJain Pharma provides a range of 218 Mother tinctures, prepared from the finest herbs, and procured from reliable or original sources of cultivation. The quality of tinctures are further enhanced by the Process of Ageing, ascertaining maximum dissolution of the herb specialities in the solvent. These mother tinctures are prepared with Extra Neutral alcohol as base which is regarded as the finest quality alcohol.
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