- Constipation is a common issue that brings patients to OPD.
- Frequently it is a lifestyle-related issue but occasionally it can be a sign of a serious underlying disorder.
- Homeopathic medicines for constipation provide long-lasting relief from the complaints in a holistic way.
What is Constipation?
Evacuating stools can be challenging, and constipation, commonly defined as passing less than three stools per week or having difficulty passing stool, is a common cause.
Constipation is rather frequent. An inadequate amount of dietary fiber, water intake, and activity can cause it. However, other medical issues or medications may also be to blame.
Constipation is often managed with diet and activity modifications or nonprescription medications. A healthcare practitioner may recommend drugs, medication modifications, or other therapies to address constipation.
Continuously constipation, often known as chronic constipation, may necessitate treatment for another illness or condition that causes or exacerbates constipation.
What are the causes of Constipation?
There are several reasons for constipation, which involve lifestyle choices, drugs, and medical disorders.
Lifestyle Factors
Some of the most usual lifestyle reasons for constipation are:
- Not consuming sufficient fiber.
- Hardly drinking adequate amounts of water causes dehydration.
- Not doing sufficient exercise.
- Changes in your daily schedule, such as traveling, eating, or sleeping at various times.
- Consuming excessive quantities of dairy products.
- Stress.
- Fighting the need to make a bowel movement.
Medical Conditions
Some health conditions may also be the underlying cause of constipation. Treatment of those conditions is necessary for the resolution of constipation.
- Endocrine problems include thyroid disorders, diabetes, uremia, and elevated calcium levels.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Diverticulitis.
- Outlet dysfunction causes constipation. This is an abnormality in the synchronization of the muscles of the pelvis. These muscles help support the organs in the pelvic region and lower abdomen.
- Obstructed Defecation Syndrome. Complex or unknown circumstances might be keeping you from pooping regularly.
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction. The muscular system in the bowel can become momentarily paralyzed.
- Lazy bowel syndrome. This is whenever your intestine contracts improperly and holds excrement.
- Obstruction of the intestine.
What are the associated symptoms of Constipation?
- The signs and symptoms of constipation consist of:
- Lesser than 3 stools each week.
- Stools might be hard, dry, or lumpy.
- Straining or discomfort while passing feces.
- The sensation that only a few stools have been eliminated.
- A sensation when the rectum is obstructed.
Chronic constipation occurs when at least two of these symptoms persist for more than three months.
What are the general management tips for constipation?
Constipation is often treated with dietary and lifestyle modifications aimed at increasing the rate at which stool travels through the colon.
Dietary and lifestyle changes
Your doctor may propose the following modifications to treat constipation:
Eat a fiber-rich diet. Fiber bulks up the stool and allows it to contain more water. These parameters give feces the proper form and weight to pass across the colon. Fiber-containing foods range from fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread, cereal, and rice. Increase fiber in your diet gradually to avoid bloating and gas.
Drink lots of water. Drink caffeine-free water and drinks. This makes feces soft and reduces the bloating and gas that might come from extra fiber intake.
Exercise nearly every day of the week. Frequent physical exercise promotes the passage of feces through the colon. Try to work out for the majority of the week. If you don’t currently exercise, speak to your doctor about safe methods to get started.
Practice excellent bowel habits. Do not resist the need to pass stool. Maintain a routine for passing stools. For example, attempt to pass stool 15 to 45 minutes soon after eating since digestion aids stool getting through the colon.
What are the top 10 homeopathic medicines for constipation?
This medicine is recommended for constipation accompanied by a sense of irritation in the rectum, huge dry feces that are difficult to push out, and aches from sticking or ripping. The individual seems cranky, and they may be nervous due to business concerns.
People who require this medicine are usually steady while constipated and endure soreness and exhaustion after their stools have moved. Large stools start hard, then get sticky, and finally liquid. When unwell or overworked, the person could become cold and lethargic, with damp hands and feet, a desire for sweets, and feelings of weakness and anxiety.
This medication may be useful when feces is hard to pass, resulting in unpleasant straining. A person’s face may get red from exertion, and rising up may result in more results. When it eventually emerges, the feces will be thin and mucus-filled.
This medicine treats constipation with no urges, produces big, dry stools, causes fullness in the lower belly, and is frequently accompanied by anal irritation and burning.
This cure is recommended for people who suffer from recurrent indigestion, gas, and bloating, as well as gastrointestinal issues. Massaging the abdomen or sipping anything warm will help alleviate the discomfort. A sweet tooth and an energy collapse in the afternoon and the early evening are definitive signs of Lycopodium.
This cure alleviates constipation by producing very dry stools, a craving for salted meals, and an absence of thirst.
This medicine is typically beneficial to those who are irritable, and nervous,—who work excessively & workout too little, and enjoy sweets and spicy foods. When Nux vomica is used to treat constipation, headaches, chilliness, and tightening sensations in the intestines or rectal region are common symptoms.
A heavy pressure in the rectum that persists after an intestinal movement may suggest the requirement for this treatment. Stools, no matter how little, might be hard to pass. The person frequently has cold extremities, and they are tired and irritable.
When this medicine is advised, the patient strains for an extended amount of time without result. A “bashful” stool begins to emerge but finally retreats. People who require this cure are tense and mentally sharp, but also cold, physically fragile, and quickly weary.
Dry, tough stool alongside red anal irritation and irritating gas indicate the necessity for this therapy. Constipation may alternate with diarrhea. People who require this medication are frequently “characters” with intriguing mental concepts, slouching posture, and little care in cleanliness.
It is a specialized formulation by BJain Pharmaceuticals that helps manage constipation effectively. It also helps relieve flatulence, bloating, and irregular bowel movements.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that works on the body as a whole. It treats the complete picture of the disease rather than focusing on mere affected body parts. It helps treat the underlying cause of that disease and makes the treatment safe and long-lasting. These above-mentioned medicines are frequently indicated in case of constipation but this information must not replace a thorough consultation by a registered Homeopathic practitioner.
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Dr Kiran Swami
Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.