BJain Homeopathic Eupatorium Perfoliatum Liquid Dilution Online
Homeopathic Dilution – B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Common Indications?:
??Fever?:?Chill between 7 and 9 am, preceded by thirst with great soreness and aching of bones. Nausea, vomiting of bile at close of chill or hot stage; throbbing headache. Knows chill is coming on because he cannot drink enough. Perspiration relieves all symptoms except headache.
??Influenza?:?Relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. Bone-pains, general and severe. Soreness. Marked periodicity. Aching pain in back. Aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh. Aching in arms and wrists.
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