BJain Homeopathic Apocynum Cannabinum Liquid Dilution Online
Indications: B Jain Pharmaceutical?s Apocynum Cannabium is prepared from Indian Hemp and is useful for conditions involving the cellular tissue such as edema, dropsy and skin conditions. Characteristic symptom is the diminished frequency of the pulse along with nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and difficulty in breathing.
Nose: Continued sneezing, snuffles, chronic stuffiness with a dull and sluggish memory. Dull headache, tendency to colds and congestion.
Stomach: Nausea and drowsiness, thirst increased, excessive vomiting, dull and heavy feeling in the abdomen, difficulty in breathing, bloating.
Stool: Watery stools with flatulence, soreness, worse after eating, no control over the sphincter.
Urine: Distended bladder, hot and thick urine with burning when passing. Dribbling of urine, pain when passing urine.
Respiratory: Short and dry cough with sighing, oppression felt in the chest and abdomen.
Sleep: Restlessness with less sleep.
Worse in cold weather, from cold drinks and from uncovering.
B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation. ?
Homeopathic Dilution – B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Common Indications?:?
??Dyspepsia?:?Turbid, hot urine, with thick mucus and burning in urethra, after urinating. Little expulsive power. Dribbling. Strangury.
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