BJain Homeopathic Apis Mellifica Ointment Online
Indications: B Jain Pharmaceutical?s Apis Mellifica or Apis Mel acts well on cellular tissues and symptoms of edema or swelling of the skin and mucus membranes. Intolerance to heat and touch is characteristic. Sensitivity to touch and soreness is marked. There is marked prostration as well.
Mind: Apathy, indifference, awkwardness and dropping things from hands. Sleepiness with sudden starting, unable to think clearly, jealous, fidgety, hard to please.
Head: Vertigo and sneezing, worse on lying down, throbbing heat and pains in the head which get better by pressure, worse on motion. Boring of head into the pillow and screaming from the pain.
Eyes: Swollen lids, red, burning, stinging, hot watering of eyes, sties. Pain around the orbits.
Face: Swollen, red, waxy, pale, with stinging burning pains. Pain extending from right to left.
Mouth: Fiery red tongue, swollen, tongue feels burnt, swollen lips and gums, mouth appears shining and puffy.
Throat: Swollen throat, puffy, tonsils inflamed, ulcers on the tonsils, sensation of a fishbone stuck in the throat.
Stomach: Thirst less, craving for milk, vomits eaten food. Bruised pain in abdomen, worse on pressure, very tender.
Stool: Involuntary, painless bloody stools, hemorrhoids, watery, yellow diarrhea. Cannot pass urine without passing stool along with it. Much straining from constipation.
Urinary: Burning and soreness when passing urine, increased frequency of urination with stinging pains.
Respiratory: Hoarseness and dyspnea, hurried and difficult breathing, swelling in the larynx, suffocative feeling, dry cough.
Extremities: Swollen joints, redness, increased sensitivity with stinging pains. Tired and bruised feeling.
Skin: B Jain?s Apis Mellifica is indicated for urticarial rashes, stinging pains, swelling after bites. Carbuncles with burning and stinging pains, cellulitis. Allergic reactions. Sore and sensitive skin. Rosy hue of the skin.
Worse from heat, touch, in the afternoon, from pressure, after sleeping and in closed heated rooms.
Better in open air, from uncovering and from cold bathing.
B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation. ?
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