BJain Ammonium Carbonicum Liquid Dilution Homeopathic Online
Indications: This remedy is prepared from the carbonate of ammonia and is suitable to stout women who get tired easily, suffer from cold frequently, have diarrhea before menses and have a slow reaction or constitution. It is suitable to hysterical women with frequent and profuse menses. Increased sensitivity to cold air, aversion to water and cannot even touch it. Heaviness in organs, dirty, swollen glands, tiredness from slight work.
Mind: Forgetful and gloomy especially during stormy weather. Unclean, dislikes to talk or to hear people talk. Sad and unreasonable.
Head: Pulsating pains, better by pressure and in a warm room. Sensation of shocks through the head.
Eyes: Intense burning in the eyes with photophobia, eye strain, weak eyes, soreness of inner and outer corners of the eyes.
Ears: Difficulty in hearing, shocks head when chewing.
Nose: Burning and watery discharge with stoppage of nose at night. Unable to breathe through the nose. Bleeding form the nose after washing and after eating.
Face: Boils and pustules around the mouth, during menses. Corners of the mouth feel sore, cracked and burnt.
Mouth: Dryness with toothache. Worse from pressing the teeth together. Sour metallic taste, cracking of jaw on chewing.
Throat: Enlarged tonsils and glands of the neck. Burning pains in the throat. Ulceration.
Stomach: Pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, hunger but easily satisfied. Dyspepsia with flatulence.
Abdomen: Rumbling from flatulence. Hernia.
Rectum: Difficult, hard and knotty stools. Bleeding hemorrhoids that are worse during menses. Itching in anus. Piles protrude especially after stool, better by lying down.
Urinary: Frequent desire to pass urine, involuntary urination at night, urine is white, bloody, turbid and sandy. ?
Respiratory: Hoarseness and cough every morning, difficulty in breathing, oppression of chest, worse from effort and on entering a warm room, on ascending stairs. Slow and labored breathing, rattling of mucus, blood in sputum.
Heart: Loud palpitations with cold sweat, watering of eyes and an inability to speak loudly. Palpitations from fear, trembling of hands, weakness.
Extremities: Tearing in the joints, better from heat of the bed, desire to stretch the limbs. Swelling of fingers when the arm hangs down. Cramps in calves and soles, gout, painful heel, better in warm bed.
Sleep: Sleepy during the day, starts up from sleep.
Skin: Itching and burning blisters. Eczema in the bends of extremities, around mucous membranes.
Worse in the evening, from cold, in wet weather, from wet application, washing, between 3-4am and during menses.
Better lying on painful side, on stomach and in dry weather.
B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation.
B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Common Indications?:
? Common cold : Nose – Discharge of sharp, burning water. Stoppage at night, with long-continued coryza. Cannot breathe through nose. Snuffles of children.
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