BJain Alumina Liquid Dilution Homeopathic Online
Indications: This remedy is prepared form the oxide of aluminum and is useful in dryness of the mucous membranes and the skin. It is helpful for old people with lack of heat and with debility. Sluggish, staggering and constipated patients. Sensitive children who have mainly been fed on artificial baby foods.
Mind: Low, fear of loss of reason, confusion, time passes too slowly, better as the day advances, suicidal thoughts on seeing a knife or blood.
Head: Stitching pains in the head with vertigo, worse in the morning, better after eating. Pressure in forehead as from a tight hat, throbbing pains with constipation, vertigo, nausea and hair fall.
Eyes: Objects appear yellow, lids feel dry, smarting, thick, worse in the morning. Helpful in various conditions of the eyes such as conjunctivitis, ptosis and strabismus.
Ears: Roaring and humming sounds with plugged feeling in the Eustachian tubes.
Nose: Pain at the root of nose, smell diminished, excessive watery discharge. Tip of nose cracked, sore and red nostrils that are worse by touch. Scabs in the nose with thick mucus.
Face: Sensation on the face as of a dry albumin membrane, pimples on the face with rush of blood after eating.
Mouth: halitosis, gums sore and bleed, pain in jaw on chewing.
Throat: Dry and sore, food unable to pass, Clergyman?s sore throat, post nasal drip of thick mucus, must constantly clear the throat.
Stomach: Pica, desire for chalk, charcoal, dry food. No desire to eat, aversion to meat, aggravation form potatoes. Can swallow foods in small bites only. Constriction and heartburn. Painters colic.
Rectum: Dry hard stools with no desire, rectum feels sore, dry inflamed and bleeding. Itching and burning in the anus, soft stool also passed with pain and bleeding. Requires great straining, constipation in infants, diarrhea on passing urine. Painful urging long before passing stool and great straining at stool.? ???
Urinary: Must strain for stool to be able to pass urine, frequency of urination increased, difficulty at the start of stream.
Respiratory: Cough on waking in the morning, hoarseness, loss of voice, wheezing, rattling, cough on talking or singing, constriction in the chest, worse from talking.
Extremities: Pain in arms and fingers as if from hot iron, legs fall asleep on sitting with legs crossed, staggering gait, heels feel numb, tender soles, pain in shoulder and upper arm, gnawing beneath finger nails, brittle nails.
Sleep: Restlessness, anxiety and confusion. Sleepy in the morning.
Skin: Itching in bed, scratching till it bleeds, brittle skin on fingers.
Worse in the afternoon, from potatoes, in the morning, on waking up, in a warm room.
Better in open air, from cold washing, in evening, on alternate days, in damp weather.
B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation.
B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Common Indications?:?
??Constipation?:?Stool-Hard dry, knotty; no desire. Rectum sore, dry, inflamed, bleeding. Even a soft stool is passed with difficulty. Great straining. Constipation of infants and old people from inactive rectum, and in women of very sedentary habit.
? Leucorrhoea : Leucorrh?a acrid, profuse transparent, ropy, with burning; worse during daytime, and after menses.
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