BJain Acidum Muriaticum Liquid Dilution Homeopathic Online
Homeopathy Dilution – B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
Indications: Muriatic Acid is a common name for Hydrochloric Acid which a strong acid and is found in the digestive system of most animals including humans. Despite being produced in organisms; it is a mineral acid as it does not contain any carbon. In industrial uses, Hydrochloric acid is used as a cleaning agent.
Homeopathically it is used for the treatment of fevers with great prostration and weakness along with decomposition of blood. Stool is passed involuntarily along with urine and hemorrhages are commonly seen especially from mouth and anus.
BJain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation.
Mind:? Patient is irritable and restless, sad, suffers in silence.
Head: Vertigo with heavy feeling in the occiput, worse when lying on right side. Pain as if the brain were crushed.
Nose: Hemorrhages with sneezing
Face: Dry and cracked lips, falling of lower jaw.
Mouth: Fetid breath, ulcers on tongue, tongue feels large and leathery, dry.
Throat: Helpful in cases of diphtheria, with swollen uvula, spasms and choking.
Stomach: Desire for drinks, unable to tolerate meat.
Rectum: Hemorrhoids with extreme sensitivity to touch, involuntary stool when passing urine, itching and pain. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Urine: Cannot pass urine without passing stool at the same time.
Female: Menses with soreness in the anus.
Heart: Rapid, feeble and small pulse.
Extremities: Heavy and weak feeling in extremities.
Fever: Heat without thirst, bleeding discharges, bed sores, rapid and feeble pulse.
Skin: Eruptions with itching, carbuncles and foul smelling ulcers. Eczema.
Worse in damp weather and before midnight, better by lying on left side.???????
? Piles : H?morrhoids most sensitive to all touch; even sheet of toilet paper is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus ani while urinating. H?morrhoids during pregnancy; bluish, hot with violent stitches.
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