
World Heart Day 2024

World Heart Day 2024

Various Heart diseases are the leading cause of death throughout the globe. Every year, about 20.5 million people are killed by illnesses impacting their hearts or vascular system, including cardiac arrest, stroke, and heart failure. A great deal of these fatalities occur in middle- and low-income countries.

World Heart Day is observed to create awareness among the masses for the importance of heart health. There is hope: 80% of CVD-related premature deaths are avoidable. We may improve our heart health and overcome CVD by making tiny adjustments to our lifestyle, such as the meals we eat and drink, how frequently we exercise, and how we deal with stress.


“Use Heart for Action”

From 2024 to 2026, World Heart Federation will run an initiative under the slogan “Use Heart for Action”, encouraging people to care for their hearts and enabling them to push authorities to consider heart health seriously by creating a worldwide platform for action.

Action is the purposeful and effective implementation of efforts. It demonstrates a move from awareness to empowerment, with a distinct purpose and aim. There is also a two-way element to action, with efforts to impact policy and stand up for better habits and physical exercise. It demonstrates the need for ongoing work and collaboration.

Importance of Heart Health

During the average lifetime of a person, their heart beats around 2.5 billion times and pumps millions of liters of blood throughout the body. This continuous flow transports oxygen, energy, hormonal substances, and additional elements. It also removes metabolic waste materials. When the heart quits, several vital functions collapse, some nearly immediately.

Considering the heart’s endless burden, it works so effectively, for a long time and many individuals fail to keep it healthy. However, it is susceptible to failure due to a bad diet, insufficient exercise, smoking, infection, unfortunate genes, and other causes.

Atherosclerosis is a significant concern. This is the formation of spaces of cholesterol-rich debris within the arteries. These pockets, known as plaque, can reduce blood flow in the coronary arteries, which supply the heart, and various arteries across the body. If that plaque breaks off free in the blood circulation, it might result in a cardiac arrest or stroke.

Although many individuals get heart problems as they age, it is not unavoidable. A healthy lifestyle, beginning at a young age, can help avoid coronary artery disease. Lifestyle modifications and drugs can help to halt heart-damaging trends such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels before they lead to harm.

Rise in Heart Diseases among Young People

The number of cardiac events among young individuals has risen in the past few years, which is a troubling trend. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death globally, and its incidence has increased among Indians over the last five years. The growth in heart attacks and associated disorders can be connected to our chaotic lifestyle and changing behaviors. Heart attacks were once thought to afflict primarily the elderly, but they now strike frequently in young people aged 30 to 40. A lack of activity, fatigue, sleeplessness, alcohol or tobacco use, and being overweight or obese are all risk factors for this condition.

Lifestyle improvement to boost Heart Health

Heart disease is the most prevalent cause of fatalities. Certain risk factors, including genetics, sex at birth, and age, cannot be changed. However, you may take various activities to reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease.

Begin with the following 8 strategies to improve your heart health:

  • Do not smoke or use tobacco.
  • Exercise: Doing 3 hours of moderately intense exercise weekly will help reduce your chance of heart disease.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet. A heart-healthy diet may help your body in a variety of ways.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight. Even reducing five pounds can improve your cholesterol and blood pressure levels significantly. Try to keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) between 18.5 to 24.9.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Keep track of stress. Understanding how to manage stress will benefit your heart.
  • Schedule regular health screenings.
  • Take measures to avoid infections.
  • You cannot alter your genetics, but understanding them is critical for taking preventative measures to address prospective cardiac diseases.

Top Homeopathic medicines for your Heart Health

Homeopathic medicines have a unique action on the body of every individual. It stimulates your body to start healing naturally without causing adverse effects. Certain homeopathic medicines help boost the action of your heart and make it healthy.

  1. Omeo Cardio Plus Drops: It is a homeopathic specialty product that helps strengthen the heart. It is frequently indicated in palpitations, irregularity of heartbeats, and atherosclerosis.
  2. Gautteria gaumeri: BJain Pharmaceuticals Gautteria gaumeri protects your heart indirectly. It helps reduce the unhealthy cholesterol levels and boost your heart health.
  3. Crataegus oxyacantha: It operates on the heart muscles and acts as a tonic. It helps with myocarditis, heart irregularities, atherosclerosis, and heart dropsy. This medication will be most effective if you have pain around your heart or under your left collarbone.
  4. Digitalis: It treats cardiovascular disease in which the heartbeat is weak, erratic, fluctuating, or unusually slow. The patient has the sense that their heart will stop pumping if they move, therefore they must hold every breath and remain calm.
  5. Kalmia latifolia: It is a homeopathic remedy that treats heart valve dysfunction. These medications assist in regulating the heart rate. It aids in the valvular diseases caused by rheumatic fever, which causes difficulty opening and shutting the valves.
  6. Cactus grandiflorus: This medicine treats endocarditis with mitral incompetence and has a powerful and quick impact. The plaque buildup in arteries weakens the arteries and heart. It works exceptionally effectively in chest pain associated with suffocation.
  7. Naja tripudians: Naja is most effective for heart disease with weakening and valvular abnormalities and visible tachycardia. Infectious infections can cause cardiac damage.


Homeopathy can be extremely beneficial in the preventive and curative aspects of cardiac problems and their consequences. Homeopathy is a comprehensive medicine that heals the patient as a whole, including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the individual. Homeopathic care is useful for both chronic and acute cardiac problems. It works on several levels, including the physical (regulating blood pressure), mental (reducing stress), and spiritual (discovering buried reasons).

Dr Aditi
Dr Aditi
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Dr Aditi (BHMS) from NHMC Delhi, HMO ( Chandigarh Administration), Ex- SRF ( CCRH ), currently doing a research study of effect of Homoeopathic medicines in Mother and Child Health care in Chandigarh.


About Dr Aditi

Dr Aditi (BHMS) from NHMC Delhi, HMO ( Chandigarh Administration), Ex- SRF ( CCRH ), currently doing a research study of effect of Homoeopathic medicines in Mother and Child Health care in Chandigarh.