MUMPS is an infectious disease caused by the paramyxovirus virus. It most commonly affects the glands present on the sides of the face. These are the salivary glands i.e. parotid glands, and mandibular glands present in pairs that are a part of the digestive system. It causes the painful and tender swelling of these glands. It is a disease of children but adults can also get affected. Adult mumps is also similar to children in its manifestations.
Mumps was a problem of the past in India due to the abundant and systematic incorporation of mumps vaccine in vaccination plans. But, recently we are experiencing an outbreak of Mumps in many areas of India. Conventionally there is no treatment available for mumps but mere management of symptoms. Homeopathic medicine can help you effectively relieve the symptoms. Firstly, let me give you some insights about the basics of Mumps disease.
How do Mumps Spread?
This paramyxovirus belongs to the family of negative-strand RNA viruses. It is very contagious. It primarily spreads the infection through respiratory content. It can spread through various modes too.
- Direct spread: It is a type of infection mechanism where you come in direct contact or come in contact with the respiratory droplets of a diseased individual. It has the highest chances of infection in respect of probability.
- Indirect spread: It is a type of transmission that occurs from infected surfaces or contaminated hands etc. It has slightly less probability as compared to direct spread.
What are The Symptoms of Mumps?
The symptoms of mumps usually do not appear before 12- 25 days of becoming infected. After the completion of the incubation period, you may start to experience some symptoms. These are the symptoms that can be seen in both children as well as adults.
- Painful swelling of the salivary glands particularly parotid glands
- Fever
- Discomfort while swallowing
- Headache
- Muscular pains
- Loss of appetite
- Swelling of testicle or ovaries
How Can You Diagnose Mumps?
In conjunction with a thorough medical history and examination, your physician may do a saliva and/or urine culture to verify your diagnosed condition.
General Management of Mumps
- Drink lots of liquids.
- Gargle with tepid salty water.
- Consume foods that are soft and easy to chew.
- Stay away from sour foods that cause your mouth to drool.
- Suck on an icy pop to relieve a sore throat.
- Apply cold or heat packs to inflamed glands.
Most Beneficial Homeopathic Remedies for Mumps:
BJain Belladonna: This medicine may be advised if the sickness develops swiftly and includes a high temperature, a hot flushed face, and light-sensitive eyes. Shooting sensations can be felt in the enlarged cheek (usually on the right). The individual may also experience a pounding headache.
BJain Mercurius solubilis: This medicine can help if there is hard, tender swelling of your salivary glands below the jaw and in the cheeks, in addition to excessive salivation. The individual is highly sensitive to temperature variations. Offensive breath, enlarged lymph nodes, and perspiration while sleeping are also observed.
BJain Pulsatilla: Although this medication is well-known for treating a variety of childhood ailments, it may also be extremely beneficial when grownups contract the mumps. Swelling and tenderness may be felt inside the ovaries, breasts, or testicles. Warmth and evenings make the person feel worse, while open air makes them feel better. Despite a fever, thirst is usually minimal. A person in need of this cure is usually emotional, seeking sympathy and consolation.
BJain Carbo vegetabilis: When this medicine is used, a fever may build gradually, and the patient may feel cold and faint. Gas and belching can also cause stomach distress. The individual may desire to be near a fan or a window because they crave open air. The medication may be useful if the testicles, ovaries, or breasts become implicated in mumps and the other symptoms match.
Can you Protect Yourself from Mumps?
Yes, mumps can very easily be prevented with the use of MMR vaccine. Infants should be vaccinated with the first dose at the age of 9 months and again with the second dose at the age of 15 months. MMR vaccine prevents measles, mumps, and rubella infections.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a piece of tissue and dispose of the soiled tissue. If you do not own a tissue, you can sneeze or cough over your upper sleeve or elbow rather than your hands.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid sharing anything that may contain spit, such as water bottles or cups.
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Dr Kiran Swami
Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.