
Nosodes and their Homeopathic Applications

Nosodes and their Homeopathic Applications

Nosodes are a type of homoeopathic medicines prepared from pure microbial culture derived from diseased tissue (like tuberculosis, measles, etc.) and noxious bodily tissue fluids (like pus, gonorrheal discharge etc.) after sterilizing them and further potentizing them, to a point where there remains no active noxious ingredient but only activated and potentized healing power of the substance.

According to Hahnemann, miasms are the fundamental cause or a supposed predisposition to a particular disease, and when a miasmatic agent becomes the basis for a medicine, nosodes are formed.

Psorinum nosode was the first nosode to be introduced prepared from scabies vesicle discharge by Dr. C. Hering in the year 1830. Approximately 60 nosodes are in practice since 1830.

Depending on the nature of the material used, nosodes are divided into four groups and designated N-I, N-II, N-III, or N-IV.

N-I: Preparations made from bacterial endotoxins

N-II: Preparations made from microorganisms that produce exotoxins

N-III: Preparations made from purified toxins

N-IV: Preparations made from diseased subjects or microorganisms

Nosodes are classified into the following groups:

  • BASIC NOSODES – Psorinum, Bacillinum, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Carcinosin, Syphillinum, etc.
  • EXANTHEM NOSODES – Pertussin, Variolinum, Morbillinum, Anthracinum, Influenzinum, Diptherinum, Malandrinum, Parotidinum, vaccinum etc.
  • ISOPATHIC NOSODES – Pyrogen, Staphylococcin, Malaria officinalis, Pneumococcin, Streptococcinum etc.
  • AUTOGENOUS NOSODES – These drugs are prepared from the secretions or discharges of pathological tissues or organs of the patient himself in that disease state. (Tautopathy)
  • INTESTINAL OR BOWEL NOSODES – Proteus, Morgan, Gaerther, Coli mutable, Facecalis alkali genes, Dysentery Coli bacillus, Bacillus no. 7.

Amongst all nosodes, there are only 5 nosodes that are well proved and are most commonly used, which are:

Pyrogen, Psorinum, Syphilinum, Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum.

Other lesser-known nosodes are:

Lyssin, Eosinum, Leuticum, Carcinocin, Variolinum, Morbillinum, Parotidinum, Anthracinum, Typhoidinum, Ambra griesea, Streptococcinum, Malaria officinalis, Osteo arthritic nosode, Pertussin, Eel serum, Typhinum, Scirrhinum, Vaccininum, Scarlatinum, Maladrinum, Cholestrinum, Influenzinum, Diptherinum, Pneumococcinum, Staphylococcinum).

New Nosode that came out in 2021 – CVN01 (Coronavirus nosode) prepared from clinical sample of SARS-Cov-2 positive patient, inactivated strain, and spike glycoprotein.

When can we use Nosodes?

❖ As homoeopathic prophylaxis: As the Aphorism 4 states, “He is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health” for a physician the first and the far most important task is preserving the health of his patients by providing them with a prophylaxis and by guiding them towards healthy measures of diet and hygiene.

The discovery of nosodes on its own is based on this aphorism and can be used to prevent specific acute and chronic infectious diseases.

Boenninghausen was the first one to successfully use Variolinum to prevent smallpox.

Nosodes can be used as a method to protect children from the miasms they have inherited through their parents. Kent has quoted in his Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, “If Tuberculinum bovinum is given in 10M, 50M, CM potencies, two doses of each potency at long intervals, all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may become immunized and their resistance will be restored”.

❖ As a constitutional remedy: In some individuals, the miasm in question deranges the vital force in such a manner that it takes the symptoms of a nosode. In these cases, a nosode comes out to be the constitutional remedy.

Miasmatic prescription: Sometimes, a selected remedy fails to act. This is due to underlying chronic miasm such as psora, sycosis, and syphilis. In such cases, nosodes can be used as an anti-miasmatic drug.

Never well since syndrome (NWSS): Sometimes, even after the accurate treatment of a patient suffering from a miasmatic disease, there remains few symptoms which never subside, and the patient will say, “I once had gonorrhea from which I was cured but since then my headache never goes”. In such cases, a nosode can be a good choice for prescription, for example, the use of Medorrhinum in a person who has a history of sycosis from which they have never recovered.

❖ As an intercurrent remedy: The nosodes are used when a miasmatic layer obstructs the progress of a constitutional remedy that was improving the patient; such nosodes are called the miasmatic intercurrent. For example: In a case of female, 65 years old with shooting pain like electric shock in both knees and no inclination to live anymore, Phytolacca 200 was prescribed. The patients recovered to an extent, but later, the case came to a standstill. When it called for an intercurrent remedy, a prescription of Osteo-arthritic nosode was made, which pulled start the recovery again.

❖ As Genus Epidemicus: Clarke had successfully used Pertussin against whooping cough.

For the ill-effects of vaccine: Nosodes can also be used for the ill effects of vaccine. Some common adverse effects of whooping cough vaccine are pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, or vomiting, which can be treated with a dose of Pertussin.

One-sided diseases: Many times, when there are very few symptoms to prescribe, these are often one-sided cases where a strong inherited miasm has repressed the ability of the constitution to show symptoms. Other than the signs related to the pathology of one or another of the miasms, the symptoms in these cases are not very characteristic of any of the constitutional remedies and calls for a nosode. This state may be called a miasmatic constitutional caused by a chronic dyscrasia.

Auto-nosode: These drugs are prepared from the secretions or discharges of pathological tissues or organs of the patient himself in that disease state. (Tautopathy) For example, Hahnemann once had a patient who was not responding to his well-chosen remedies. This led him to prepare a tubercular auto-nosode made from the saliva of a patient who was suffering from TB.

The scientific use of nosodes by E. W. Berridge, MD., London: “A few weeks ago, a colleague asked me about a case of psoriasis inveterate which had been brought to him for treatment. He had not yet prescribed, being in doubt what to give. The patient had been under the care of a strict Hahnemannian of great experience but without result. Hence, my friend concluded that it was no use giving the old, apparently indicated remedies, as they had doubtless been all given before. I agreed with him and said that in such a case, it would be lawful to use the nosode.

He gave Psorinum 1500 (F.C.), and with marvellous results.”

Specific shere of action of certain nosodes:

  • Pyrogen-Lymph
  • Psorinum- After secretions
  • Syphilinum- Connective tissue
  • Ambra grisea- Solar plexus and Nerve junctions
  • Tuberculinum- Membranes
  • Anthracinum- RBC
  • Diphtherinum- Adrenal glands

Potency Selection: It has been observed that for the complete action of a nosode a single high potency dose is useful with repeated doses of the low potency of an associated remedy, as for example, a case of skin disease may require a single dose of Morgan-pure in 1M potency but the unbearable itching may also call for the medicine like Sulphur in the 3X to 6C potency in repeated doses.

CONTRAINDICATIONS OF NOSODES (Never use nosodes in the following conditions)

• At the violent phase of a miasm.

• When it’s the active stage of a recurring assault.

• During the active phase (incubation) of an acute illness.

• Tuberculinum should not be used in an existing case of tuberculosis or during an infectious stage.

Vidushi Mukund
Vidushi Mukund
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Vidushi Mukund is an accomplished author, passionate nutritionist, and a zealous supporter of Homoeopathy. She is a dedicated final-year student at Dr. Br. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre currently pursuing her BHMS degree. Vidushi seamlessly blends her academic pursuits with her creative endeavors, establishing herself as a well-rounded individual.


About Vidushi Mukund

Vidushi Mukund is an accomplished author, passionate nutritionist, and a zealous supporter of Homoeopathy. She is a dedicated final-year student at Dr. Br. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre currently pursuing her BHMS degree. Vidushi seamlessly blends her academic pursuits with her creative endeavors, establishing herself as a well-rounded individual.