
Meniere’s Disease and its Homeopathic Medicines

Meniere’s Disease and its Homeopathic Medicines

Meniere’s disease is an internal ear condition that can induce dizzy episodes (commonly known as vertigo) and hearing loss. Meniere’s illness often affects just one ear.

Meniere’s illness can occur at any age, but it generally commences between the 40s and 60s. It’s believed to be an everlasting ailment. Some treatment options, however, can help alleviate symptoms and reduce the long-term impact on one’s age.

Symptoms of Meniere’s disease

The signs and symptoms of Meniere’s disease are:

Frequent dizzy episodes.  You have a whirling sensation that starts and ends abruptly.  Vertigo can occur unexpectedly.  It can range from twenty minutes to twelve hours, but never longer than 24 hours.  Severe vertigo might induce nausea.

Hearing loss.  Hearing loss in Meniere’s illness can occur intermittently, particularly early on.  Hearing damage can be chronic and never improve.

Ringing in the ears.  Tinnitus is the name given to ringing in the ears.  Tinnitus refers to a ringing, beeping, humming, whistling, or hissing noise in your ear.

Fullness in the ear.  Meniere’s disease patients frequently experience pressure in their ears.  This is known as aural fullness.

Following a vertigo attack, complaints improve and may go away for a period.  Over time, the number of vertigo bouts you have may decrease.

Causes of Meniere’s Disease

The etiology of Meniere’s illness is unknown.  Meniere’s indicators may be caused by endolymph, an excess of liquid in the inner ear.  But it is unclear what triggers this fluid to accumulate in the inner ear.

Meniere’s disease can be caused by fluid-related issues, such as:

  • Inadequate fluid drainage.  This might be caused by an obstruction or an unusual ear shape.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • A viral disease.
  • Genetics.

Meniere’s disease is most likely caused by a mix of factors, as no one cause has been identified.

Risk Factors associated with Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s illness is most frequent in adults aged 40 to 60. Women might be at a somewhat larger risk than males.

If you have a family history of Meniere’s disease, you may be more likely to develop the illness.

In case you suffer from an autoimmune problem, you may be more likely to develop Meniere’s disease.

Complications of Meniere’s Disease

The most challenging consequences of Meniere’s illness may be:

  • Unexpected vertigo episodes.
  • You may lose your hearing over time.
  • The sickness can occur at any moment.  This might lead to worry and tension.
  • Vertigo might make you lose your equilibrium.  This can put you in danger of falling and having an accident.

General Management of Meniere’s Disease

There are various things you may take to alleviate Ménière’s disease symptoms, including:

Following a low-sodium diet: Salty foods cause you to retain fluids.  Additional fluid in the ears may cause Ménière’s manifestations.  Healthcare specialists recommend limiting salt intake to 1,500 milligrams per day (approximately three-quarters of a tsp).  Your physician may also advise you to avoid meals filled with MSG.

Consuming less coffee and alcohol: According to some research, caffeine may enhance the frequency with which you have vertigo attacks.  Alcohol can also induce episodes.

Managing stress: According to some studies, stress and a lack of sleep might cause symptoms of Ménière’s illness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Meniere’s Disease

Calcarea carbonica

Tinnitus might occur alone or in conjunction with vertigo when this medication is prescribed.  The individual may have hearing issues or have cracking and pulsating feelings in their ears.  People who use this cure are often cold, easily exhausted, seek sweets, and become overwhelmed and frightened while ill.

BJain Calcarea Carbonica Liquid Dilution

Chininum sulphuricum

Buzzing, vibrating, and rumbling noises loud enough to compromise a person’s hearing indicate the need for this treatment.  The sufferer may also have chills and dizziness, which exacerbate the tinnitus.


This medicine may be useful to someone suffering from tinnitus and deafness.  Hissing and clicking sounds are frequently experienced in the ears (or more intense sounds like gunfire).  People who require this treatment may also have constipation, low focus, and cracked skin lesions.


This medicine is recommended if you have buzzing and roaring in your ears as well as impaired hearing.  Sounds may also appear to be an echo in one’s ears.  People who require Lycopodium frequently experience ear infections with a discharge in addition to persistent stomach or urinary tract concerns.

Carbo vegetabilis

The medication may be effective if buzzing in the ears develops during the flu or other diseases that cause vertigo and nausea.  The signs may be worse in the evenings and at night.  The individual may feel chilly and dizzy, but they normally need fresh, moving air.  Carbo veg. is also beneficial if a disease has been extended or healing is delayed.


This cure is frequently beneficial to persons who are sensitive, weak, and apprehensive, with intolerance to loudness and tinnitus.  It is frequently used following fluid loss due to vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, surgery, or other blood-related illnesses.

Natrum salicylicum

This cure may help if the ringing in your ears sounds like a low, monotonous hum.  Hearing loss due to the conductivity of bones, plus nerve distortion and vertigo, may occur.  Natrum salicylicum is an effective therapy for tinnitus and weariness caused by influenza or Meniere’s illness.

Salicylic acidum

This treatment is recommended for tinnitus with extremely loud roaring or buzzing noises, which may be coupled with hearing impairment or vertigo.  The condition might have started with the flu or occurred in someone with Meniere’s illness.  Salicylicum acidum can also be beneficial if the tinnitus was induced by excessive amounts of aspirin.

Meniere’s disease doesn’t have any apparent cause, and this constant trouble makes it very difficult to handle. The traditional system of medicine does not offer any permanent and effective treatment option. Homeopathy, on the other hand, has a lot to offer and provides effective management. With BJain’s homeopathic medicines, you can get relief from the symptoms of Meniere’s disease, such as vertigo, ringing of the ears, and evening progressive hearing loss.

Dr Kiran Swami
Dr Kiran Swami
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Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.


About Dr Kiran Swami

Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.