
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

UTI is an infection of the urinary passage and associated parts. It starts from the urethra and may go up to levels of the kidneys. UTI shows a variety of very uncomfortable symptoms that can be a nightmare. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) may bring up a very unpleasant memory for some of you. As summers are approaching so does the incidences of UTI. Let me discuss this in more detail. 

Bacteria especially E.coli is the cause of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). This infection can occur in any part of your Urinary Tract. Your urinary system is composed of:

  • Kidney: They are the bean-shaped organ of our excretory system. The kidneys’ main function is to filter the toxins from the blood and remove them from our body.
  • Ureters: These are a paired structure that also helps transfer urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
  • Urinary Bladder: It is a pear-shaped structure where urine is collected and future concentrate the urine. This helps in the unreasonable loss of water from our bodies.
  • Urethra: It is the final part of the urinary system and passes urine from the bladder. This process is called micturition. It only happens when our bladder sends signals to our brain after being full.

Types of Urinary Tract Infection

It is based on the site of infection. Infection can be found in any location throughout the already discussed parts of the Urinary Tract. Let me explain it.

  1. Cystitis: Inflammation of the urinary bladder is called cystitis caused by bacterial infection. It is usually a secondary infection that spreads from another primary site.
  2. Pyelonephritis: Infection of the kidney also comes under the category of Urinary Tract infection. It is also similar in symptoms to Lower UTI but pyelonephritis is rather complicated in its manifestations.
  3. Ureteritis: This is most frequently associated with the above two conditions and rarely alone. There is inflammation as a result of infection of the Ureter.

Risk Factors for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

  • Female Gender: Female has shorter urethra than males. The length of the female urethra is nearly 4 cm. The shape and length of their urethra make them more susceptible to UTI.
  • Being sexually active: Engaging in sexual activity after a brief period of abstinence may contribute to the episodes of UTI. The vaginal bacteria might get introduced to the urethra and cause infection in the urinary system. Other causes are unhygienic practices during intercourse.

Having recurrent episodes of Urinary Tract Infection in newly sexually active females is also called “Honeymoon Cystitis”.

  • Kidney Stones: Individuals with kidney stones are more susceptible to UTI. It happens due to the obstruction of urine flow, it causes urinary bacteria to stick to the wall of the urinary tract and cause inflammation of the inner lining.
  • Having a catheter: Using a catheter can make you more susceptible to UTI. Bacteria can travel through the catheter and cause infection in the bladder or kidney. This type of infection is called Catheter-associated UTI.
  • Enlarged Prostate: Having BPH i.e. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is also a commonly found risk factor in cases of older men. An enlarged prostate obstructs the passage of urine and can further cause bacterial growth.

Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

Signs and Symptoms for Upper and Lower Urinary Tract infections may vary in intensity and presentation. Symptoms of Bladder Infection:

  • Pain and Burning during micturition
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Constant sensation of feeling the requirement to pee even with an empty bladder
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain in lower back
  • Fever with chills

Symptoms of Kidney Infection may include the symptoms of lower Urinary Tract Infection along with the following symptoms:

  • Having pus and blood in the urine stream
  • Pain in the back with flanks
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Cloudy Urine with offensive smell

Homeopathy can Help with your UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

Top 10 Homeopathic medicines that can help you with complaints resulting from UTI. Homeopathy works on a holistic level and treats you from within. This way you are not susceptible to repeated episodes. If you have read this far then you must be a Homeopathy enthusiast. Here is the list of the top 10 homeopathic remedies for UTI.

BJain Omeo UTI Drops: These are very carefully curated drops and their formulation consists of well-proven homeopathic medicine known for efficacy in cases of Urinary Tract Infection.

Cantharis: A strong urge to urinate, accompanied by sharp pains before, during, and after the urine flows, may indicate the need for this cure. Only a few droplets pass at a time, causing a burning sensation. The individual may feel as if their bladder has yet to be emptied, with a continual urge to urinate.

Apis mellifica: This remedy is advised when an individual frequently has to pee but only passes a small amount. Stinging and burning are felt (particularly with the last few drops), and the abdomen may become painful. Heat and touch aggravate the symptoms, while cold applications, cool bathing, and fresh air provide relief. A lack of thirst is another sign that Apis may be necessary.

Sarsaparilla: This medicine is frequently used in UTIs and is especially beneficial when indications are vague or other treatments have failed. Continuous urging is felt, along with scorching pain at the end of urinating. When standing, urinate, but when seated, just dribble happens. Urine can sometimes contain flakes or silt.

Berberis vulgaris: Cystitis with slicing pain or a burning sensation that spreads to the urethra and its opening may signal the necessity for this medication. The passage may even burn when no urine is attempted. After draining the bladder, a person experiences as if a little urine is still inside. Walking often exacerbates the need and discomfort.

Staphysagria: This medicine is frequently indicated for cystitis that develops in a woman following sexual intercourse, especially if sexual activity is new to her or if cystitis happens after each sex encounter. After peeing, pressure may be felt in the bladder, indicating it is still not empty. Other symptoms include a sensation that a drop of urine is sliding through the urethra and a persistent burning feeling. Staphysagria is also effective for cystitis caused by conditions that need lengthy bed rest or the use of catheters.

Benzoic acid: This remedy can help treat cystitis (urinary bladder infection). Benzoic acid can also be used to treat nephritis (swelling of the kidney).

Nux vomica: Irritable bladder with a frequent need to urinate and passing only tiny amounts indicates the necessity for this therapy. Burning or cramping pain in the bladder may be felt, along with an itchy sensation in the urethra as the pee passes. The person may experience irritability, impatience, and chills. Hot baths and other types of warmth can help ease symptoms.

Chimaphila umbellata: Chimaphila may be beneficial in a strong urge to micturate but finds it difficult (or even standing up and leaning forward). A burning sensation may be felt while the urine flows, followed by a feeling of straining.

Belladonna: This remedy is indicated if the urging to urinate is frequent and intense, and the bladder feels very sensitive. A cramping sensation could be felt in the bladder area. Small amounts of highly-colored urine pass from the bladder.


In cases of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Homeopathy can surely help most naturally. It can help you manage the symptoms associated with UTI and prevent recurrent episodes. BJain Omeo UTI drops are tailored to address the complaints of UTI and promote overall wellness. Other individual remedies also heal holistically and provide relief. Visit our website – Homeopathic medicine online.

This blog is not a substitute for a Homoeopathic physician’s consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can homeopathy cure urinary tract infections?

Ans. Yes, Homeopathy can treat urine infection and even reduce the recurrence of the disease. Homeopathy works in a manner that treats you holistically.

Q2. What is the permanent cure for urinary tract infections?

Ans. In a world where antibiotic resistance is a serious problem, only homeopathy can save the day with its efficacy and holistic nature.

Q3. Which is the best tablet for urine infection?

Ans. At BJain Omeo UTI drops are available. These drops will help relieve your symptoms associated with UTI.

Q4. What are the 3 symptoms of a UTI?

Ans. The most common symptoms of UTI are increased frequency of urination, burning pain while passing urine, and constant desire for urination but unable to pass urine.

Dr Kiran Swami
Dr Kiran Swami

Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.


About Dr Kiran Swami

Dr. Kiran Swami, BHMS, MD (Hom.), a Research Officer at BJain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., holds degrees from Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, Delhi, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. With expertise in homeopathy and a passion for research, she drives innovation in holistic healthcare solutions.