BJain Homeopathic Aloe Socotrina Liquid Dilution Online
Indications: Portal congestion with bad effects from sedentary life or habits. Rectal symptoms are deciding factors. Useful in cases of old and aged people especially those with a habit of beer drinking. Heat internal and external, anger alternating with lumbago.
Head: Headache that alternates with back pain, accompanied by intestinal and uterine affections. Pain above forehead with heaviness in eyes, must close them partially. Pain in head after passing stool. Dull headache that is worse from heat.
Eyes: Must close the eyes from pain in forehead, redness with yellow vision, pain in the orbits.
Ears: Cracking on chewing, sounds in ears as of explosion, clashes, glass breaking, as from metallic globe in the head.
Nose: Coldness of the tip of nose, bleeding in the morning on waking up, nose full of crusts.
Mouth: Bitter and sour taste of mouth, Lips cracked and dry, eructation tasteless.
Throat: Tough mucus in lumps, throat feels dry and scraped. Veins of pharynx enlarged.
Abdomen: Aversion to meat, desire for juicy things, flatulence after eating, nausea with headache. Pulsations around the navel, worse from pressure. Abdomen feels full heavy and bloated. Excessive flatulence which causes distress. Colic before and during stools.
Rectum: Burning flatulence, bearing down in rectum, bleeding from rectum with soreness. Conditions relieved by cold water. Insecurity in rectum when passing flatus as if stool will pass along with it. Jelly like stools, involuntary evacuations. Hemorrhoids like grapes, sore and tender, better by cold water application. Burning in the anus and rectum, constipation, diarrhea from beer.
Respiratory: Winter coughs, with itching. Difficulty in breathing with stitches from abdomen to chest.
Back: Pain in lower back, worse by motion, soles painful on walking, pain in joints.
Worse early morning and from the summer heat, in hot and dry weather and from eating or drinking. Better from cold and in open air.
B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation.
Homoeopathic Liquid Dilutions refers to the medicines in liquid form prepared by series of trituration or succusion bringing the crude drug substance into a state of physical solubility, physiological assimilability and therapeutic activity, for use as homoeopathic healing remedies. B. Jain provides a range of 350 liquid dilutions in various potencies from 3x, 6x, 6c to 10 M & 50 Millesimal potency.
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